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It’s not all about me, but…

Originally from England, I came to the Bay Area with my husband in 2010 on a whim, just for three months. And never moved back!

After 10 years in California we have moved to Bainbridge Island, WA with our two children. I love the outdoors and as a qualified Personal Trainer, exercise is an important part of my life. I’ve been known to spend lots of time perfecting my chin ups, and I have a special place in my heart for my Peloton! I also enjoy connecting with anyone who gets my British sense of humor…

I was meant to be a coach.

I’ve always been a curious person. A questioner. Straight out of university I began a career in recruiting. Part of my role was to recruit for start-up companies, many of which were backed by private equity or looking for funding, so personality fit was crucial. A lot was on the line. I learned to ask many questions and to truly listen.

As a trainer I’ve been allowed to fully develop those skills. I’ve always been interested to know what made my clients seek me out. I’ve always been keen to know what they love. What gets their goat? I’ve learned that life is both complicated and fascinating, and I’ve had a lot of fun whilst doing it.

I am incredibly passionate about how coaching can empower individuals.

Coaching was a natural progression for me.

I arrived at coaching after a time of drought in the personal growth department, let me tell you! With two young children, I couldn’t remember the last time I took on a new challenge or investigated what was really important to me. When was the last time I thought about what I really wanted? Or what it means to have fun. Fun that doesn’t involve scooters or Connect Four, that is.

When I started training with Co-Active Training Institute it was like discovering a new language. It brought a whole new world of perspective and freed me up to look at what I was grateful for, passionate about and what I was celebrating. Coaching also gives you the clarity to see what is really holding you back.

man taking action pushing limits by cliff jumping into water

What could you be if you were free from the things that hold you back?

Limits are there to be pushed.