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What is Life Coaching?

Coaching offers the opportunity to explore all aspects of your life in new and creative ways. We work in partnership, free from judgements like right and wrong; free from constraints such as if and but. Delving into and expanding upon what being your best self really is.

You might be thinking

  • I’m stuck.
  • I know what I want, but I have no idea how to get there OR how to ask for it.
  • I need balance!
  • You might simply be thinking: what’s next for me?

Ask yourself

  • What does a fulfilling life look like to me?
  • If everything was easy, what would I be doing right now?
  • What footprint am I leaving on this world?

Coaching is key to kickstarting your inner mojo, accelerating your growth and shifting mindsets that do not serve you. It’s not a “one size fits all” approach. What you have to offer is different to every other person.

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.”


My commitment to you as your coach and wing-woman is to ask powerful questions, call you out when necessary, and spur you into action. As your coach, I won’t tell you what to do. I won’t plant ideas in your head that don’t resonate. I will always listen.

Coaching is a vehicle to discover what you really want. Invite me on board and we will traverse your list of wants and why each one is important to you. It is a refreshing change from all of the “shoulds” in our lives. You choose to experience things differently.


It’s not just about sitting with the process either. In order for you to grow, you need action. Coaching emphasizes action and allows growth in fresh and exciting ways.

Take charge! Get uncomfortable. Feel empowered en-route to discovering your true potential. Limits are there to be pushed and boundaries broken down.

“Someone once told me growth and comfort do not coexist. And I think it’s a really good thing to remember.”


Let’s talk and I can show you how powerful our work together can be.