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blue shoes walking up stairs made of books leading to coaching information

Musings of a Life Coach

Feature in Kitsap’s Best Places to Work-December 2022

Becoming a Career Detective The thought of finding the right job or ideal career can be daunting.  People often find themselves feeling stuck whether they are newly graduated or contemplating a career change. A great place to start is to become a detective in your own life.  The question: “What are your strengths?” Can send…

Article in GoSolo – January 2023

What’s your business, and who are your customers? I am a Life Coach to Graduates, Executives, Business Owners, and budding Entrepreneurs. I work with clients 1-1 and offer Group Coaching to businesses. My coaching explores what holds you back, the creation and embodiment of new perspectives, and defining and aligning with your values. Tell us…

Our storytelling

Following my coaching certification exam I had to wait 3-4 days to know if I’d passed.  The advice one of the coaches gave me was “While you wait, if you’re going to make up a story you might as well make it a good one”. This advice stopped me in my tracks.  I knew on…

Let’s Talk Goals

Let’s Talk Goals Whether you are a fan of resolutions or not, the start of a new year brings with it a hard focus on goals.  What do you want to achieve this year?  Here are my Top 5 Goal Setting Tips for 2022: 1. Don’t forget about 2021. Not yet anyway! Take a moment…