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Don’t take my word for it!

Here’s what some of my clients have to say:

“I was able to develop a vision for my life”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Coaching with Harriet gave me a framework for my thoughts around making some significant career decisions. I was able to develop a vision for my life and invest my energy and thoughts in the qualities that I value in myself. Our sessions gave me the tools to make future choices and embrace them without fear.


“Pushing me to grow and supporting me where I am”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Harriet is delightful, smart, funny and insightful. I have tremendous respect for her and the work she does. My coaching sessions with Harriet are a perfect combination of pushing me to grow and supporting me with where I am. She helps me see things in new/ different ways and gives me tools to manage different aspects of my life. She is fully engaged in the work and has great passion for it. I highly recommend Harriet for anyone looking to work with a life coach.


“A life shift towards true meaning”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I’ve been an executive leadership coach for my entire career. When I asked Harriet if she would coach me, I was struck by her natural and authentic ability to connect and ask the questions that expanded my interpretation of myself and those around me. My life and insights started to shift in a way that has brought true meaning, authenticity and joy to my daily routine and conversations in my world. I am also experiencing a new confidence that things will always work out for the best. I encourage any one that is looking for a fresh new approach to call Harriet. You will be thankful you did.


“Highly Recommend”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I’ve been working with Harriet for six months. I’m extremely pleased with her ability to present the process clearly and help direct my focus. She guides me through steps to identify my issues, understand the roadblocks and help me achieve my goals. Harriet is insightful, empathetic and offers great tools to identify my goals. And we have fun doing it!  I highly recommend Harriet as a life coach! 


“Incredibly valuable”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Last year I was struggling to find balance in my life. I realized I couldn’t do it alone. I needed to talk to a professional. Harriet helped me see the value, strength and power in me, while steering me in the direction of being kind and positive towards myself. Her trust in me inspired trust in myself and helped me take the steps towards my goals that we identified together. Talking to Harriet was the best thing I could have done for my personal growth!


“Rapid Transformation”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Harriet has a natural talent for listening to the words I say, but also for paying close attention to the silence that fills the space in between. Her fresh perspective, positive encouragement, and arousing enthusiasm combined with stimulating techniques and homework, helped awaken me to new possibilities and potential. Harriet is a supportive, compelling, sensitive, and creative coach. She is very intuitive and is able to get to the heart of the matter quickly. As a result, her coaching facilitates rapid transformation for personal growth.


“Growth I didn’t even know I needed”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Harriet helped me see the things that were holding me back that I hadn’t even been aware of. Changing my mindset has helped me push through these barriers, accept where I am now, and redefine the way I see myself. I’m taking action, gaining control over my self-perception, and growing in ways I never thought I could.


Ready to grow?