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I love questions!

Is this the same as therapy or counseling?

No. Our focus is not on the past. I’ll meet you where you are now, and we’ll focus on your bright, bright future. 

What is your coaching style?

Direct without being in your face. I want to listen to you without an agenda. I am the jolt that kickstarts your ride! I’m not here to dictate or offer solutions. The power is in the coaching relationship.

What does a coaching session look like?

Coaching is done virtually, making it easy and flexible. We’ll meet every other week for one hour.

What is your training?

I trained with Co-Active Training Institute. I wanted to be a great coach, not just an OK coach. No half-assing here!

How much work do I have to do?

A lot! This is fun, but it is also important. You are important. You’ll need to commit to being focused and present in each of our sessions. You’ll have homework and reflection in between those sessions. I’ll hold a space for you, challenge you, hold you accountable, but where we go largely depends on you.

If there’s anything else you’d like to know, please shoot me a message!